
KSh45M to be distributed to Kakamega Self-Help Groups

A total of Kshs. 45 million is set to be disbursed to registered self-help groups on Wednesday July 24 by the County Government of Kakamega.

The event set to be held at Isulu grounds in Ikolomani sub county, will be graced by Governor Fernandes Barasa.

Social services, Sports, youth, Culture and Gender Chief Officer Leah Khasanadi while attending burials of Alvin Kulecho, a student who died at Mugai Secondary School, in Shirigu/Mugai Ward and another one for retired teacher Solomon Makunda in Chimuche Ward, announced that 15 groups from each ward of the 60 wards will receive at least Kshs 50,000.

According to her, Malava sub county will be the biggest beneficiary as over Kshs.5 million will be allocated to groups from the area.

Khasandi asked for proper use of the monies saying the county has a long-term plan of supporting the people to empower themselves through funding.

Over 70 per cent of the beneficiaries are women groups, 25% youth and 5% will go to people with disabilities.

At the same time, she asked the electorate to give Governor Barasa time to deliver on his manifesto while at the same time supporting her fully in her mandate as the chief officer of the county.

While responding on development program for Malava subcounty, Khasandi confirmed that more than 25 cows have already been delivered at the the Tumbeni Dairy plant and confirmed that the same will be launched in September this year creating employment opportunities for the people from the area.

Malava Town will be upgraded to municipality status, and the same will be announced by the governor soon, she revealed.

Jackton Shayo

Jackton Shayo

About Author

Jackton Shayo is a Kenyan journalist with interest in politics,governance and

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