
Fix Malava roads now, Inyangala tells MP Malulu Injendi

Residents of Malava constituency in Kakamega now want area member of Parliament Malulu Injendi to fix the poor state of the roads in an area that is a host to two sugar factories of West Kenya and Butali which are the highest contributors of revenue to the government.

Dr. Ronald Inyangala, in his address to the media, deccried negligence by the legislator, and shoddy works by his brief case contractors saying they are wasting public resources and must held to account.

In particular, Inyangala loudly wondered why just months after millions of shillings was put on Malava-Samitsi the road has become totally impassable and now it is in more pathetic state that has seen users look of optional routes to Malava town even as Boda boda operators in protest dug trenches and planted napier and bananas.

Inyangala also called on the management of sugar factories to consider maintaining the roads, saying most destructions are as a result of their machinery, which includes tractors ferrying canes to the factories.

Jackton Shayo

Jackton Shayo

About Author

Jackton Shayo is a Kenyan journalist with interest in politics,governance and

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