
Church on the Cross: Wrangles rock African Church of the Holy Spirit as leaders fight for power

By Jackton Shayo and Andanje Wakhungu.

The African Church of the Holy Spirit’s Dumbeni branch has reinstated Senior Bishop Bathlomayo Lunani following an attempted coup to remove him from office.

The church headquarters also suspended Enock Chami and appointed Amos Molenje as acting Padre at Dumbeni after Chami filed a complaint against Lunani, allegedly violating church doctrines and the constitution.

The church faces internal conflicts as a group of disgruntled congregants filed a complaint to the Lugala headquarters, seeking to oust Bishop Lunani. The church, which previously hosted President William Ruto, now faces potential division as some members reject the current leadership.

A letter dated July 15, 2024, from the Lugala headquarters’ Deputy General Secretary John Alwiga Amugune, addressed to Deputy County Commissioner Florence Omieno, indicated that accusations against Bishop Lunani were deemed unprocedural and malicious. The letter called for the two factions to appear before a church panel to resolve the issues, warning against taking church matters to court without exhausting internal dispute resolution mechanisms.

In another letter dated July 15, 2024, the headquarters acknowledged receiving a complaint from disgruntled members on July 13, 2024. It reinstated Bishop Lunani, noting that the protocol to suspend him had not been followed. According to church rules, only the high priest can convene a council meeting to discuss a sitting senior bishop’s conduct, with outcomes reviewed by the executive committee.

The headquarters also supported the decision to suspend Enock Chami for bypassing church protocols and considering government intervention before internal resolution. Amos Molenje will act as Padre of Dumbeni, following the branch committee’s decision.

The church has instructed the complainant to cease interfering with branch meetings and other church events, as he lacks constitutional authority. The suspended official has been given a chance to apologize to Bishop Lunani, serving as a warning to others who might consider taking church matters to court.

Bishop Lunani faced accusations of failing to issue new marriage certificate books, which the church had suspended due to delays in filing annual returns with the registrar’s office.



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