
Declare femicide national security issue, top Ruto adviser breaks silence

The president’s advisor on women rights Harriette Chiggai now wants femicide treated as a serious national security issue, noting statistics on women being killed in the country is worrying.

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), has placed statistics at about 97 women as having been killed in the last 3 months only.

Chiggai, who hosted a breakfast meeting for women leaders on November 5, spanning from corporate to government in readiness for a national launch of safe homes, safe spaces for women in December, noted the trend of killing women was now translating to a woman a day, wanting the government to take decisive action against perpetrators.

While acknowledging the matter needs a societal approach, Chiggai also asked Kenyans to remain extremely vigilant of neighbours around them who would be championing atrocities meted on women, reporting these cases to relevant authories.

Consequently, the president’s advisor on security ambassador Monica Juma says there is a clear need for the formulation of laws and policies that protect women, acknowledging a rampant wave of violence, either online or physically on women.

National Assembly deputy speaker and Uasin Gishu Woman Representative Gladys Boss Shollei wants women, across the spectrum, protected and given safe spaces to perform their duties as well as thrive in business at whatever level they are.

Chiggai says in the 16 days of activism, her office would work closely with relevant institutions to come up with clear guidelines for women protection, including pulling together resources to capacitate gender desks at police stations and health institutions, on reporting and following up on gender-based violence cases.

A national campaign on safe home, safe spaces is set be launched in early December in Kakamega, targeting boda boda riders as it rolls out countrywide.

The idea behind safe home, safe spaces, presents an opportunity for women to thrive in whatever space they are without the thought of either being harmed or looked down upon.

There is also a clarion call to have more women join leadership positions with Shollei calling for the shaming of government institutions not giving women leadership or middle-level positions


Mulembe Correspondent

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