
Malava MP comes to rescue of Teresia Primary School, to push for capitation

A school within Malava constituency that has not been receiving capitation from the ministry for the last two terms has been assured that the matter will be settled.

Despite writing many times to the ministry through the sub county office, Teresia Primary School is yet to be allocated its capitation funds from the ministry of education and there has been no communication to the delay considering that its records at the head office states that its documentation is okay and approved.

While commissioning an administration block at the school, area MP Malulu Injendi has taken the concern into his own hands where he assured the management led by head teacher Lilian Inganga that he will pursue the matter from the headquarters.

“I advise you to forward your pupil’s Nemis statistics to the sub county education office which should push it to the national office where I will pick it from there as soon as possible. I know this issue has been here and it saw your predecessor vacate the school prematurely after realizing that there was no capitation but I want to work with you towards achieving this,” he assured.

The school management confirmed that many programmes at the school had stagnated due to lack of funds and that the school was surviving from well-wishers sourced by the board of management and this has led to low enrolment.

“Our most affected account is operational where it encompasses paying of our workers and daily running of the school programmes and I have done as advised by the subcounty director of education that I should write letters to that effect of which upon being received the ministry has responded that our school Nemis register is okay but have failed to remit the funds,” said the school principal.

According to the management, the school is in need of a laboratory and equipment plus language teachers to handle Junior secondary school (JSS) pupils as competency based curriculum (CBC) takes centre stage.

He urged the new teacher to streamline the capitation issue at the school and ensure the statistics presented are in order and tallying so that when we start following up on the matter we should have correct documentation and I will assist you to get the capitation to help you, manage the school.

On the issue of the area having a secondary school he pointed out that it was not the right time as the primary section was still struggling to be stable hence it will be premature to introduce the secondary section.

Wakhungu Andanje

Wakhungu Andanje

About Author

Wakhungu Andanje is a veteran journalist who pens articles on educational, political, environmental and agricultural issues. He is also a seasoned features writer. His email is

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