
Malava MP summons, intimidates school head over viral photo of dilapidated classrooms

The administration of Mukoko Primary School in West Kabras ward of Malava sub-county is now living in fear after allegedly being intimidated by area MP Malulu Injendi.

This is after a photo of a badly dilapidated school building went viral on the internet which is said to have exposed the MP in bad light.

The head teacher Gladys Mutendwa, our source intimates, was summoned to the National Government Constituency Development Fund office in Malava town and asked why she allowed visitors at the school who took photos and posted them on public forums.

Our spot check confirms that pupils who were using the unsafe mud classrooms were moved after the photo went viral and now three classes are sharing a stream making it difficult for teachers to teach.

Mulembe News understands that the teachers now prefer to give the learners assignments and homework as it has proved difficult to study under the few available trees.

The school is in dire need of infrastructure even as the CDF office structure stands at the ground housing few classes.

The area stakeholders have called on the legislator to lead in having the school get new and modern buildings instead of intimidating the administration.

This comes as most schools from the backyard of Malulu receive huge funding with some benefiting from storey buildings even as some remain unoccupied.


Mulembe Correspondent

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    Kataka simiyu

    June 13, 2024

    Pengine Ali itwa kusaudiwa shule ijengwe

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