Govt to streamline, centralise education data
The Ministry of Education is to streamline and centralize education data on education at all levels of the education system.
The system, codenamed Kenya Education Management System (KEMIS) will serve as a single source of truth and a one stop shop for all information about learners and other critical aspects of education.
The Cabinet Secretary for Education, Mr. Ezekiel Machogu held a stakeholder forum at Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) where they discussed the scope of the envisioned system yesterday.
Mr. Machogu said the system, which is web based, will guarantee access to accurate data for planning and strategic decision-making on various aspects of education.
He said the system will harmonise the management of data on education from Early Grade levels to higher education.
KEMIS will harmonise education data in the National Education Management System (NEMIS), Technical Vocational Education management information system (TVET-MIS) and Higher Education Management Information System (HEMIS).
KEMIS will also allow the tracking of all learners from Pre-primary, Primary, and Secondary, middle level colleges as well as university education.
Present during the occasion included the Vice-Chancellor, University of Embu and, the Chairman, Vice-Chancellor’s Committee, Prof. Daniel Mugendi Njiru, Chief Executive Officers from state corporations in the Ministry, officials from the Kenya Primary School Heads Association and the Kenya Heads of Secondary Schools.