Highly corrupt Teremi Boys Principal Aliva Luvaso in the soup as students, parents plan to forcibly eject him
The principal of Teremi Boys High School in Bungoma County is a man under siege after it emerged that he has been presiding over mega corruption activities at the institution.
The school is among the highly populated and receives huge capitation from the ministry of education.
The Principal Aliva Luvaso, who sources claim, is an absentee administrator has been accused of among other things embezzling funds meant for sporting activities in millions of shillings and is no longer needed at the school.
Stakeholders and parents now want him transferred with immediate effect or he be forcibly ejected from the school.
They claim that Ksh.1.2m meant for purchase of games kits was misappropriated, forcing some teams to go for county games without uniforms, and it fuelled animosity between the principal, teachers and students.
Recently properties worth millions of shillings were destroyed after students went on rampage accusing the administration of conning them money in pretext that they could facilitate them to watch setbooks-plays.
This forced the institution to be closed for a week before Luvaso and a few board members without consulting the parents imposed penalty of KShs.4,000 that has since been rejected by the parents.
Since his entry at the school, the unending strikes and fires over his poor leadership style have been the order of the day.
Due to his love for money, it is claimed the school he is in bad terms with the institution bursar as he cannot account for money released to him severally.
Workers, our source within the school that sought anonymity, said are planning a strike to complain of the poor working conditions and delayed pay.