Malava politician now wants MPs out of NGCDF offices
Malava Politician Caleb Burudi now wants the National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) not to be controlled by Members of Parliament who have turned it into a milking cow at the expense of development.
Burudi observed that the fund has been politicized by legislators who have oppressed the electorates with a contrary opinion in terms of development while at the same time using the funds for personal gains through dubious deals.
The unconstitutional fund is a distraction for Mps to perform their constitutional mandate and duties of representation, legislation and oversight.
He said one can not be a watchman and store keeper at the same time effectively.
“CDF was good in absence of devolution. Just the way the president has scrapped the office of leaders spouses, NG- CDF must be scrapped off” he added.
Burudi called on his area member of Parliament Malulu Injendi to come out open and apologise to the people of Malava for voting yes to two issues of public importance including the fake fertilizer Scandal and the controversial finance bill and stop hiding.
He thanked the president of Kenya William Ruto for accepting to have a conversation with the Kenyan youth to get their views on the direction the country is headed saying it will change the approach to issues where politician take the sole responsibility of deciding what to be done.